Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mind Over Body-no matter how much it hurts

Usually my mind is focused on the students in the class, better preparing them for life when they don't have a PE teacher pressuring them to get things done. However, I was kind of shocked when I heard that we were doing the 30 minute run and we were supposed to not stop. I'm not the best distance runner because I have issues with mental strength. I always want to work hard, and get up to my target heart rate, but once I get uncomfortable I start to deteriorate and eventually stop. So as you can imagine I'm kind of worried because my mine is kind of like "You can't do this! You aren't fit enough!" but there was also this little voice in the very back of my head, a very tinie-tiny voice that told me that I could do it if I tried hard enough. And so as people started running I told myself that I would run the whole thing. The first time I started to feel the uncomfortableness to stop I almost gave up, almost. However, I decided to put my mind over my body. By the middle I started to believe that I could do this, even though my calves were killing me. I was snail-like too. Like really slow, but keeping around the same time each time that I ran around the track. By the end, I was comfortable with my pain, like it was just there always with me. I was comfortable with being uncomfortable, and I did it. I never stopped once. I'm so proud of that even though it may seem like such a little accomplishment. I put my mind over my body, and I won.

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